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UHF Rohde & Schwarz TV transmitter Digital 100W SLV8100

Price : 3248,00= USD                  

UHF Rohde & Schwarz TV transmitter Digital 100W SLV8100 XLX8000Series
The sale is for a complete Digital DVB-T TV trasmitter.

- Inputs transmitter: ASI , GPS
- Output power: 100W RMS digital
- Band: all UHF band CH21/69
- Digital Standard: DVB-T
Parameter management via integrated web server or from display

The transmitters are tested and tuning on our warehouse/laboratory.
Power supply: 220 V single phase
Conditions: Used/Refurbished (very good - like new).
The customer can lo see and tested the equipment on our Italy (Taranto) laboratory before to purchase it.
Warranty: 1 year
Dimension: 50x50x30, weight 30 kg
Transmitters in stock

Options availables
- 6 cells ouput Filter
- Encoders Mpeg
- Multiplexer

Datasheet : UHF Rohde & Schwarz TV transmitter Digital 100W SLV8100 XLX8000Series The sale is for a complete Digital DVB-T TV trasmitter. - Inputs transmitter: ASI , GPS - Output power: 100W RMS digital - Band: all UHF band CH21/69 - Digital Standard: DVB-T Parameter management via integrated web server or from display The transmitters are tested and tuning on our warehouse/laboratory. Power supply: 220 V single phase Conditions: Used/Refurbished (very good - like new). The customer can lo see and tested the equipment on our Italy (Taranto) laboratory before to purchase it. Warranty: 1 year Dimension: 50x50x30, weight 30 kg Transmitters in stock Options availables - 6 cells ouput Filter - Encoders Mpeg - Multiplexer

0 USD -->

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TELECOMPONENTS SRLS Unipersonale. Electronics and telecommunications group, offers innovative solutions in all fields of telecommunications, broadcast and wireless communications and in IT security. Founded more than 50 years ago, and Italy independent company, and has an extensive experience in the sales and service network with representatives in more than 70 countries.



Telecomponents srls
Via degli Ulivi 3 - Zona Industriale
74020 Montemesola (Taranto)


+39 3929784631
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