Datasheet :
The SLIMX is air cooled UHF TV Transmitter from SLIM line.
6 Rack Unit solution composed by one PCM driver and one (1) SLIM5 amplifier.
Low Consumption, Compact and Easy to maintain and a clear and intuitive design, are the key facts around which Syes developed this next generation air cooled amplifiers, available in band I, Ill and IV-V.
The SLIM family is designed to be the most efficient, robust and high performance amplifier in the DTV era.
Key facts:
- Multistandard Transmitter (ATSC 3.0 DIRECTLY ON BOARD or Software Upgradable)
-Inputs: 3x ASI with Hitless switch, 2x IP Ethernet, A/V for analog broadcasting
-The most advanced manual, automatic and adaptive linear and nonlinear pre-corrector.
-Freq. agile with static or adaptive pre-correction for OFDM and ATSC standards
-GPS receiver with extremely precise OCXO
-Linux – SNMTP – xHTML WEB Based GUI
-Control Logic backup protection (The control logic unit can be removed while the system in operation)
-Amplifier equipped with 3 GE power supplies Hot Pluggable
-Up to 8 RF Pallets with independent carrier mount, no re-adjustment needed.
-Overall efficiency up to 43% with highest performances in terms of modulation, error rate and shoulders.
-Nr. 2 independent low-noise fans – Temperature controlled.
-Use of tools is reduced almost to zero including pallets replacement.
Severals model availables(see photo)
For these transmitter we have these options:
-Output Filter;
-Rack cabinet