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RVR TEX2000Light FM transmitter

Price : 9164,00= USD                  

RVR TEX2000LIGHT FM Transmitter 2000 watt Stereo NEW

The sell is for a NEW RVR 1 Kw FM transmitter Stereo
Technical infrormations::
-PRIMARY APPLICATION: high quality at a very attractive price. Ideal for use as transmitters in stand-alone applications. Adjustable power output from 10 to 100%.
-AUDIO PERFORMANCE: low distortion and intermodulation values and a high noise/signal ratio.
-HARDWARE FEATURES: compact (525mm depth only) and indeformable thanks to the stainless steel chassis, in 3 rack units only.
-USER-FRIENDLY FEATURES: four pushbuttons for user/device interaction and software that offers a simple, intuitive interface.
-EASE OF MAINTENANCE: advanced module engineering ensures extreme of access and simple maintenance.
-OPERATING EFFICIENCY: incorporate a PFC (Power Factor Corrector) power supply, that provides the utmost efficiency for enhanced energy saving and environmental protection, which added to LD-MOSFET technology ensure high efficiency, better than 70% across the bandwidth.
-RELIABILITY/CONTINUITY: APC (Automatic Power Control) and Foldback protection ensure reliable operation under any operating conditions.
-INTERFACE CONTROL: total control thanks to microprocessor easily programmed from menu with all key parameters displayed on LCD.
-INPUT/OUTPUT INTERFACE: built-in high-performance stereo coder, L&R analogue audio inputs, Mono inputs, MPX composite signal and auxiliary inputs for SCA / RDS signals.
-RDS APPLICATION: built-in RDS encoder with UECP standard functions (option).
-REMOTE CONTROL: built-in telemetry system via GSM modem, battery and battery charger or via WEB or via SNMP (option).
-REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: state-of-the-art technology in full compliance with EC, FCC and CCIR standards.
We recommend that, for the high powers in use , the transmitter installation should be made by qualified technicians.
Available in 6/10 weeks

Datasheet : RVR TEX2000LIGHT FM Transmitter 2000 watt Stereo NEW The sell is for a NEW RVR 1 Kw FM transmitter Stereo Technical infrormations:: Features -PRIMARY APPLICATION: high quality at a very attractive price. Ideal for use as transmitters in stand-alone applications. Adjustable power output from 10 to 100%. -AUDIO PERFORMANCE: low distortion and intermodulation values and a high noise/signal ratio. -HARDWARE FEATURES: compact (525mm depth only) and indeformable thanks to the stainless steel chassis, in 3 rack units only. -USER-FRIENDLY FEATURES: four pushbuttons for user/device interaction and software that offers a simple, intuitive interface. -EASE OF MAINTENANCE: advanced module engineering ensures extreme of access and simple maintenance. -OPERATING EFFICIENCY: incorporate a PFC (Power Factor Corrector) power supply, that provides the utmost efficiency for enhanced energy saving and environmental protection, which added to LD-MOSFET technology ensure high efficiency, better than 70% across the bandwidth. -RELIABILITY/CONTINUITY: APC (Automatic Power Control) and Foldback protection ensure reliable operation under any operating conditions. -INTERFACE CONTROL: total control thanks to microprocessor easily programmed from menu with all key parameters displayed on LCD. -INPUT/OUTPUT INTERFACE: built-in high-performance stereo coder, L&R analogue audio inputs, Mono inputs, MPX composite signal and auxiliary inputs for SCA / RDS signals. -RDS APPLICATION: built-in RDS encoder with UECP standard functions (option). -REMOTE CONTROL: built-in telemetry system via GSM modem, battery and battery charger or via WEB or via SNMP (option). -REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: state-of-the-art technology in full compliance with EC, FCC and CCIR standards. We recommend that, for the high powers in use , the transmitter installation should be made by qualified technicians. Available in 6/10 weeks

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TELECOMPONENTS SRLS Unipersonale. Electronics and telecommunications group, offers innovative solutions in all fields of telecommunications, broadcast and wireless communications and in IT security. Founded more than 50 years ago, and Italy independent company, and has an extensive experience in the sales and service network with representatives in more than 70 countries.



Telecomponents srls
Via degli Ulivi 3 - Zona Industriale
74020 Montemesola (Taranto)


+39 3929784631
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