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HP Agilent Keysight 8593A 9kHz - 22GHz Spectrum Analyzer -Trac

Price : 4060,00= USD                  

HP Agilent Keysight Spectrum Analyzer 8593A with Option E02 - 2.9Ghz / Tracking generator

The ideal tool for controlling RF transmitting and receiving equipment.
The instrument is equipped with a tracking generator that allows, among other things, to calibrate the filters.

Main features:
- Analyzer working frequency: 9Khz - 22 Ghz
- Tracking working frequency: max 2.9 Ghz
- Power supply: 220V or 110V
The instrument does the calibration perfectly and is tested in all its parts.
Sold with the front cover, power cord and soft case.

Datasheet : HP Agilent Keysight Spectrum Analyzer 8593A with Option E02 - 2.9Ghz / Tracking generator The ideal tool for controlling RF transmitting and receiving equipment. The instrument is equipped with a tracking generator that allows, among other things, to calibrate the filters. Main features: - Analyzer working frequency: 9Khz - 22 Ghz - Tracking working frequency: max 2.9 Ghz - Power supply: 220V or 110V The instrument does the calibration perfectly and is tested in all its parts. Sold with the front cover, power cord and soft case.

0 USD -->

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TELECOMPONENTS SRLS Unipersonale. Electronics and telecommunications group, offers innovative solutions in all fields of telecommunications, broadcast and wireless communications and in IT security. Founded more than 50 years ago, and Italy independent company, and has an extensive experience in the sales and service network with representatives in more than 70 countries.



Telecomponents srls
Via degli Ulivi 3 - Zona Industriale
74020 Montemesola (Taranto)


+39 3929784631
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