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Andrew Commscope antenna 10 11 ghz VHPX2-102-111 Link

Price : 734,05= USD                  

Andrew ValuLine Commscope parabolic antenna 10 Ghz VHPX2-102-111

The item for sale is a High performance parabolic antenna suitable for microwave link to 10 Ghz
This antenna have 2 beam illuminator for Horizontal and Vertical polarization.
-Diameter: 60 cm (2 ft)
-Input : 2 x Waveguide (H + V)
-Gain @ 10.2-10.7 Ghz : 33.4 db.
-Beamwidth : 3.5 degree
-Cross pol : 32db
-F/B ratio: 59db
-WSVR max: 1.25 R.L.,db
-Net weight: 15 kg, 33lb

The conditions of this device are good .
Options availables: Andrew Commscope elliptical waveguides (type EW90, EW127) and waveguide connectors.
Availables also 10 Ghz transmitters, receivers, modulator and demodulator(analog and digital) for complete high professional TV link.
-e recommend that the installation of this equipment should be made by qualified personnel.
If you want can to see this equipment on our Taranto(Italy) laboratories.
We ship worldwide. Before to purchase please call for know shipping cost.
For others informations, please contact us.

Datasheet : Andrew ValuLine Commscope parabolic antenna 10 Ghz VHPX2-102-111 The item for sale is a High performance parabolic antenna suitable for microwave link to 10 Ghz This antenna have 2 beam illuminator for Horizontal and Vertical polarization. -Diameter: 60 cm (2 ft) -Input : 2 x Waveguide (H + V) -Gain @ 10.2-10.7 Ghz : 33.4 db. -Beamwidth : 3.5 degree -Cross pol : 32db -F/B ratio: 59db -WSVR max: 1.25 R.L.,db -Net weight: 15 kg, 33lb The conditions of this device are good . Options availables: Andrew Commscope elliptical waveguides (type EW90, EW127) and waveguide connectors. Availables also 10 Ghz transmitters, receivers, modulator and demodulator(analog and digital) for complete high professional TV link. -e recommend that the installation of this equipment should be made by qualified personnel. If you want can to see this equipment on our Taranto(Italy) laboratories. We ship worldwide. Before to purchase please call for know shipping cost. For others informations, please contact us.

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TELECOMPONENTS SRLS Unipersonale. Electronics and telecommunications group, offers innovative solutions in all fields of telecommunications, broadcast and wireless communications and in IT security. Founded more than 50 years ago, and Italy independent company, and has an extensive experience in the sales and service network with representatives in more than 70 countries.



Telecomponents srls
Via degli Ulivi 3 - Zona Industriale
74020 Montemesola (Taranto)


+39 3929784631
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