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10 Kw(5+5 Kw)  Television Ibrid Cobiner
10 Kw(5+5 Kw) Television Ibrid Cobiner
3940,31= Eur
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Poids: 35.00
10/15 Kw UHF RFS Combiner
10/15 Kw UHF RFS Combiner
8023,00= Eur
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 150.00
10/15 Kw UHF SPINNER Combiner
10/15 Kw UHF SPINNER Combiner
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 210.00
20/25 Kw UHF SPINNER Combiner
20/25 Kw UHF SPINNER Combiner
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 290.00
2000 W Television UHF Combiner
2000 W Television UHF Combiner
722,45= Eur
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 15.00
2000W Television UHF Combiner
2000W Television UHF Combiner
881,38= Eur
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 10.00
30/35 Kw UHF SPINNER Combiner
30/35 Kw UHF SPINNER Combiner
9040,00= Eur
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Poids: 350.00
300w combinateur Diplexeur UHF
300w combinateur Diplexeur UHF
410,00= Eur
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Poids: 20.00
Combinateur TV UHF 2 Kw - 2 canaux - Reconditionné
Combinateur TV UHF 2 Kw - 2 canaux - Reconditionné
2900,00= Eur
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Poids: 20.00
Combiner duplexer Televisivo UHF 10 Kw Watt(5 + 5 kw )
Combiner duplexer Televisivo UHF 10 Kw Watt(5 + 5 kw )
4147,70= Eur
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Poids: 35.00
Diplexer duplexer Tv Link 1.5 Ghz 100
Diplexer duplexer Tv Link 1.5 Ghz 100
394,03= Eur
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Poids: 3.00
Diplexer duplexer Tv Link 2 Ghz 100
Diplexer duplexer Tv Link 2 Ghz 100
394,03= Eur
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Poids: 3.00
Filtre duplexeur d'etalonnage pour les chaines digital a 1 kW VH
Filtre duplexeur d'etalonnage pour les chaines digital a 1 kW VH
103,69= Eur
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Poids: 0.00
Filtre triplexer d'etalonnage pour les chaines digital a 1 kW VH
Filtre triplexer d'etalonnage pour les chaines digital a 1 kW VH
207,39= Eur
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Poids: 0.00
Taratura diplexer 10 Kw Diplexer
Taratura diplexer 10 Kw Diplexer
1659,08= Eur
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Poids: 5.00
Taratura diplexer 100 Watt Diplexer 1.5 Ghz  o 2 Ghz
Taratura diplexer 100 Watt Diplexer 1.5 Ghz o 2 Ghz
98,51= Eur
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Poids: 5.00
Taratura diplexer 2000 Watt Diplexer
Taratura diplexer 2000 Watt Diplexer
237,99= Eur
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 0.00
Taratura diplexer 4000 Watt Diplexer
Taratura diplexer 4000 Watt Diplexer
756,95= Eur
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 0.00
Television COM-TECH UHF filtre combinateur 1 Kw
Television COM-TECH UHF filtre combinateur 1 Kw
1695,00= Eur
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 22.00
Triplexer  Televisivo UHF 3000 Watt
Triplexer Televisivo UHF 3000 Watt
2426,40= Eur
Acheter maintenant
Poids: 90.00
Afficher 1 à 20 (sur 22 produits) Pages de résultat :  1  2  [Suiv >>] 
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TELECOMPONENTS SRLS Unipersonale. Electronics and telecommunications group, offers innovative solutions in all fields of telecommunications, broadcast and wireless communications and in IT security. Founded more than 50 years ago, and Italy independent company, and has an extensive experience in the sales and service network with representatives in more than 70 countries.



Telecomponents srls
Via degli Ulivi 3 - Zona Industriale
74020 Montemesola (Taranto)


+39 3929784631
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